Dear all

The AURG would like to invite all Armidale Urban Rivercare’s along to the AURG Christmas Party.  Imi and Bea have very generously offered to host the party and early dinner BBQ at their home at 13 Holmes Ave, Armidale.  Details of the day are as follows:

Time:                     From 5pm. (Maybe a few could come along at 4pm to help set up?)

Date:                     Sunday 16 December 2012

Location:              13 Holmes Ave, Armidale

What we will provide:  Meat and vego options for a BBQ, soft drinks and fruit juice, some pre BBQ nibbles and bread, tea and coffee etc.

What to bring:   Your own drinks and maybe a chair, plate, cutlery and glass.  This will save Imi and Bea having to wash up for 30 – 40 people!!!

To allow us to get an idea of the numbers for catering please RSVP to me at , Imi at and Bea at by Wednesday 12 December.  Once we have an idea of the numbers we may ask a few people to provide a salad or the like.  The AURG has some money in our “Gold Coin” contribution box that we thought we would use for the Christmas Party but we may still need some help with some contributions on the day.

This is a great opportunity for us all to catch up and celebrate all that we have done in 2012 and have a chat without having to do all that hard work!!  As an added bonus Imi and Bea also have a wonderful native garden that is great to explore and should provide you all with some wonderful inspiration for your own garden.

Please remember to RSVP by Wednesday 12 December so we have an idea of numbers.

I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible there.

Kind regards