Exciting News! SLA Village will be returned to its “parent” Action Group, “Heart and Soul” this month, and we’re changing the name of “Heart and Soul” to “Community” to celebrate the common ground of these two groups.
What Happened Before. “SLA Village”, which was convened in March this year, came into being when Heart and Soul members identified an interest in “Sustainable Community Housing”. We decided to convene a separate action group initially, but our research and activities led us in a complete circle back to “commnity” as the heart of Sustainable Neighbourhoods, Ecovillages and Intentional Communities. Member feedback suggested that the “Energy” group covers most of the “built environment” aspect of residental communities, and as long as the information on Intentional Communities was retained, there were no objections to merging the groups.
“Village” will keep its identity as a “special interest” group of “Community”. This will allow the extensive resources about intentional (residential) communities to be retained on the website, and for members with a specific interest in Intentional Communities to keep in touch.
If you’d like to know more about “Community”, here is the blurb that will go on the website. (Please have patience while we update all the pages behind the scenes!)
About Us
SLA Community is the Action Group in SLA whose focus is on nourishing the spirit of SLA and supporting members in their efforts to live more sustainably. While “Community” is a separate Action Group, it is connected with all SLA groups … [for where would any of them be without people?] We see ourselves as the “Heart and Soul” of SLA. Our monthly meals are a great place to start if you’ve just joined (or haven’t yet joined!) and haven’t a clue what your main interest will be.
We meet regularly for a shared meal on the second Friday of each month at Kent House. This is a great opportunity to meet with like-minded people, share ideas, brainstorm and get support for projects, and/or just have a great time.
In addition to our regular gatherings, members suggest activities with a more specific focus. Some of these are one-off occasions; others have a more permanent/regular flavour. At our next one-off activity, we will be learning how a Geomancer can help address the “geopathic stress” at Graham Mackay’s home. Other activities have included working bees at members’ homes, “report backs” from conferences attended by members, films, strategic planning meetings, brainstorming sessions, picnics, discussions … you suggest it and we’ll come along!
The more permanent groups are:
“Village” – bringing together people with a specific interest in building sustainable neighbourhoods (e.g. ecovillages, cohousing, housing coops). Village has its own “blog” on the SLA website.
“Reading Group” at NERAM Harvest, 10.30 Thursday mornings. Paul Reader will be leading a discussion on “Reading E.F. Schumacher in today’s climate”., starting Thu 10 Nov.
In addition to our regular gatherings, members suggest activities with a more specific focus. Some of these are one-off occasions (e.g. working bees at members’ homes, “report backs” from distant conferences attended by members, a film, a planning meeting); others have a more permanent/regular flavour.
Contact/Joining Us
If you’d like to contact us, email the convenors (Helen and Cathie) by emailing heartandsoul-owner@slarmidale.org or just arrive after 6.30pm at Kent House on the 2nd Friday of the month.
You can also subscribe to the mailing list so that you can participate in discussions, suggest an activity or learn about an activity that someone else is offering.
Hope to meet you soon.
Cathie and Helen