Hello to all Gondwana folk,
I am not sure if you received an invitation to attend the Intentional communities conference to be held on Bundagen this September. We have a great program developing with representatives coming from communities in Tasmania, Victoria, lots from NSW and some from Queensland. The theme of the conference is sustainability, both environmental and social. One of the areas of interest to be addressed at the conference is legal structure and the tug between personal and community aspirations and we would love someone or a group to come from your community and share experiences with us. Our website bundagen.com.au has some further information and I have attached a lovely poster to further entice you. Other communities represented include Dharmananda, Bodho Farm, Tuntable Falls, Goolwah, Elands, Common Ground, Moora Moora, Bellbunya, Tasman village, Baccarumbi, and members from co-housing groups in Melbourne and Sydney.
Registration is $100 per person and there is some billeting available as well as camping space. A very reasonable vego cafe will run all weekend and we have less serious activities organised for the evenings and the week following the conference. Please consider sending a few representatives to enliven our debates, cheers,