Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

Community forum with Tony Windsor

100% Renewable New England & Sustainable Living Armidale would like to invite you to a

Community Forum to Support Renewable Energy

with Tony Windsor MP

Wednesday 8th June at 6.30 – 8pm

Armidale Town Hall

The purpose of the forum is to show local support for strong government action on renewable energy.  Different sectors of the community will be represented, from school children to farmers, solar installers to local councillors.  This show of support will encourage Tony Windsor to take a strong position on support for renewable energy investment as part of price on carbon pollution.

The forum is an opportunity for Tony Windsor to gauge support for renewable energy within the New England community.  We will also be asking him to respond to key questions about his commitment and action, particularly for renewable energy investment to be funded as part of the carbon price policy.

We need you, your friends and colleagues to come on the night to show him that we care about this issue and we want strong policy on renewable energy.

Throughout June the details of the carbon price policy will be finalised by the Climate Change Committee.  Tony Windsor is one of only seven people on this committee, which includes the Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Senator Bob Brown.  This forum is the last opportunity to tell him in person that we believe the revenue raised from pollution should be used to build renewable energy and develop regional Australia, and not just to compensate the same polluters.

We are also inviting you to write a Support Statement for Renewable Energy, by finishing the sentence:

“Government support for renewable energy is important to (you or your organisation) because …“.

We invite you to write on behalf of your school, business, community group, etc. or as an individual.  Please send your 30-50 word statement, along with a logo and/or photo to by Friday 3rd June (sooner is better than later.  These sentences will be displayed on the night to visually show our support and also be compiled into a book for Mr Windsor.

You can find more information on our website at

Thank you for your time and consideration. We hope to see you there!

Hadley and Jarra

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