Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

SLA is on FaceBook ~ Expect a friend request

You may have seen the film about FaceBook called The Social Network. Personally I didn’t like it, I thought it was really OTT (over the top). However I do like acronyms, like FB (FaceBook), and I do just like FB period, for keeping abreast of what friends are up to, and to share photos. I admit, it can be overwhelming at times with all the info flying around, and lets FaceIt there is a fair bit of filler on these social networks. But the info from SLA is not fill, it is pure diamonds. Like diamonds that focus light, SLA helps focus peoples to find their way through this mad mad world… OK stop me, the irony hasn’t escaped me, cut to those diamonds immediately.

I officially launch SLA on Facebook.

I will be looking for friends soon.

Will you be my friend? honestly I’m super cool and popular and that *cough*

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