Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

ALF Meeting – November 2010

Armidale Local Food meeting

Venue: Southern New England Landcare Community Resource Centre (SNELCC), Level 1, 3/119 Beardy St, Armidale.  (entry next to Colour Copy Centre in East Mall).

Items on the agenda

1. Farmers’ market stall – last minute plans
2. Upcoming workshops
3. ALF get-together on Nov 14
4. Home Grown Garden Tour

New participants are always welcome. Just come along to a meeting, or contact Jo Leoni for further information.

We try to keep the meeting as brief as possible and then people can stay and socialise longer if they wish. In the latter case, feel free to bring a plate to share.

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