Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

Grateful Gleaners

Grateful Gleaners was originally envisaged as a way of locating fruit and nut trees in Armidale that are either growing on unoccupied land, or are unable to be looked after by their owners. We plan to then organise for them to be harvested each year. The harvest could then be split between the gleaners and the owner, or distributed in other ways.

There are many such trees in Armidale and it seems such a waste to see them go unharvested. Many of them can also be sources of disease if they are not managed to control pests such as fruit fly and codling moth.

However, there is no reason that this approach cannot be used for other resources that are around. For example, our first offer was for horse dung that an SLA member doesn’t want left on her paddock.

So if you have, or know of, such a fruit or nut tree, or any other resource that you would be willing to donate or share with others, please contact Jo

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