Minutes of SLACC Meeting held on Wed. 30th June 2010,
At 7.30pm at SNELCC Office

Present:, Jo Leoni, Bar Finch (minutes), Ray South (chair), Gary Bennett, Iain Mackay, Patsy Asch, Joc Coventry, Helen Webb, Debra Mill, Robyn Newberry

1. Apologies: Lindsay Fulloon

2. Minutes: the minutes of the previous meeting (26.5.10) were adopted.

3. Business Arising
a.    Link to SLA website to Adam for NESS website. Done.
b.    Letter to Council re $50 charge for solar applications. Done.
c.    Policy on email notices. A draft was discussed and minor amendments made. See attached sheet.

4. Correspondence
Two letters from Pat Lightfoot, putting her views on climate change,  withdrawing her resignation from SLA, and offering info on compost tea. Bar will reply.

5. Treasurer’s Report
Gary submitted a draft report for the financial year:

Sustainable Living Armidale Incorporated
Financial Statement for the Year Ended 30 June 2010

ALF Sponsorships & Stall Sales     719.64
Donations     445.05
Home Grown Garden Tour     1,435.91
Interest     66.10
Memberships     356.36
Refund Cheque Book Fee     10.00
Sustainable Living Expo     2,094.64
Total Income         5,127.70

Banners     363.64
Chamber of Commerce Dinner     118.18
Chamber of Commerce Membership     90.91
Insurance     759.38
SNELCC Membership     82.50
Stall Fees     100.00
Sustainable Living Expo     1,244.24
Total Expenses         2,758.85

Net Surplus/(Deficit)     2,368.85

Opening Bank Balance 1 July 2009     3,798.38

Surplus/(Deficit) for current year     2,368.85

GST during 2009/10
GST collected on sales     159.50
GST paid on purchases     48.18
Net owing to Tax Office     111.32

Closing Bank Balance 30 June 2010     6,278.55

Gary was thanked for his work as Treasurer – he advises that he will not be standing for re-election at the AGM.

Focus Group Reports

Energy (Pats)
1.    There is a proposed development at Martin Street for the over-50s, and Paul will approach the developers to suggest that it incorporate sustainable design features.
2.    Isobel and Kate are writing to Fed govt re: building standards/BASIX – requesting more leniency for local decision-making.
3.    Letter sent to state govt calling for no additional coal-fired power stations.
4.    Letter to Armidale hospital suggesting tri-generation plant to replace coal-fired boiler in forthcoming re-development.
5.    Intend also to write to TAS re their coal-fired boiler.

Heart & Soul (Helen)
Successful symposium held in conjunction with Uniting Church, on emotional response to present situation and care of planet.  23 people attended. Graham Mackay did excellent organizing job. Possible that ‘action circles’ will evolve from this. Full report at the next Tuesday Forum. (Press release has gone out/Jo)
The next symposium will be held on Sunday Nov 7th.

Armidale Local Food (ALF) (Jo)
1.    Alan Cunningham is aiming to get expressions of interest to have an SLA stall at the Farmers’ Markets.
2.    The first in the workshop series will be ‘ soils for home gardeners’ to be held in mid-August.
3.    Still trying to fix a regular meeting time that suits. Trying first Saturday at 2pm.
4.    Desirable to have an umbrella or a gazebo for the markets (Farmers and Mall). In  principle agreement that SLA will purchase, ALF to investigate and bring proposal. Suggested we apply for community grant from Credit Union for this. Ray will follow up.
5.    ALF asks that SLA cover the $20 fee for the Farmers’ Market stall, in the event of sales not covering the fee, for a trial period of 3 months. Agreed.

Transport (Joc)
Meeting held (3 attendees).
1.    Margaret Anderson tabled her report ‘Tablelands Youth Survey’, which included results on bike riding – the main finding being that young people don’t feel safe riding on the streets, and call for more dedicated bike routes.
2.    Some exploration of bikes on campus, noting that a rough survey shows that colleges all have secure bike shelters, and a scheme might be possible of offering restored bikers for sale to students, with buy back option.
3.    Noted that the Vice-Chancellor and the Credit Union are considering a bike scheme, possibly involving electric bikes.

SLEX (Joc)
Ray and Joc attended SLEX working party meeting.  Cr. Paul Harmer advised that with the forced amalgamation of Councils there was some uncertainty about SLEX. However, Phil Johnson is supportive of SLA’s proposal, and will follow up on our suggestion of a speaker from the Institute for Sustainable Transport. Possibility of film showings in our space, though Pats expressed concern about films in tents.

Awareness (Iain)
Suggestion that SLA hold major speaker event in Town Hall, separate from SLEX. Idea noted.
Logo Competition: closing date to be 23 August; judged by the September Tuesday Forum; entries A4 size, to be submitted electronically or by mail. Talloires Group at UNE has donated $200, request that SLA increase its original amount of $100, to $200, giving a budget of $400 for the competition. Agreed.
Future regular meetings of the Awareness Group to be held on the last Tuesday of the month at 54 Donnelly, at 5.15pm.

7. Promotions/presentations

8. Tuesday Forums
Hope was for a film at the July forum, but some difficulties & expenses involved, so:
July Forum:    Follow up & report back on the Symposium held last week (Heart & Soul)
August Forum: Ray to invite Prof. Annette Cowie.

9. Dates/times for focus group meetings
Ray urged groups to put their events on the website, or email to him to put on.

10. SLAM = SLA Magazine
Presentation by Iain and Debra of a prototype for a magazine for SLA, to be subscribed to (free & easy to do) for SLA supporters to get info. Exciting design, with many links back to our website and/or to other material. Also can be printed & made available for Tuesday Forums etc.
In discussion agreed to change the name of Focus Groups to Action Groups (in line with the SLAM format).
Noted that the content for SLAM needs to be generated from SLACC members, minutes etc, but that Debra will guide this process initially.

(Champagne was served at 9pm to celebrate our first year of SLACC, & farewell Ray and Gary from the committee)

General Business
a.    The Council Consultation document on Strategic Planning was tabled. Comment is invited and it was agreed that Ray will send email urging people to complete the consultation document and send their comments to ADC.
b.    Ray reported that our insurance premium was due and had increased by 30%. However Gary thinks there is further information received that the amount was in error. Agreed to pay if the amount is reasonable, but if a steep increase, then Ray will seek other quotes.
c.    Correspondence from NSW Dept Fair Trading advising changes to rules for associations. Agreed that we should table and note these at the AGM, and make the changes in our rules at the following AGM.
d.    Joc reported that Peter Hall from TAS has requested support in principle from SLA for the TAS proposals to develop Doody Park as a major environmental educational centre. Members of SLA have previously looked at the site with Peter, and it was agreed that SLA support in principle this project, and await advice on what is required.
e.    Noted that Bar and Pats will be away until early September.

Meeting closed at 9.50pm

4.    Appendix to SLACC minutes 30.6.10

POLICY FOR EMAIL NOTICES (adopted at SLACC meeting 30.6.10)

There is a website that anyone can visit, that includes SLA structure, minutes etc and events calendar.

Two avenues of getting information out to our supporters via email list:

1.    SLAMagazine sent monthly with summaries and links.

2.    Individual email messages

Most information to be included in the magazine, but notices of events that will occur before magazine date of issue, to go as individual email messages.

The following shall be circulated (in either magazine or individual messages, or perhaps both):

1. Notices of SLA meetings, events, including sub-group activities.
2. Notices of non-SLA local events related to peak oil, climate change, sustainability or transition.
3. Information about national issues relevant to SLA vision, goals & values.

The following shall not be circulated:

1. Commercial notices for ‘for-profit’ events, products or services, except where it is local or regional, and involves re-skilling (e.g. a cheesemaking workshop).

2. Individual commentary or opinion.

3. Information that is on subjects outside SLA’s vision, goals and values.

4. No commercial or political advertising.