Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.
Lightbulb Moments
Take control of your electrical use & costs with this Resource Guide Online PDF and Print PDF for welfare agencies to assist clients, colleagues and community.

Hunger Strike for G20 Action on Climate Change

Join us in Fasting this week for a day in protest

Typhoon Haiyan destruction with storm

Join the peoples’ March In Brisbane, Saturday, 25th Nov

Join together in Central Park, Armidale, Saturday, to protest

Climate change is the most important issue facing the global economy. It will cause –

  • Mass starvation and migrations of people without food
  • Mass slaughter as sea levels rise, accompanied by extreme storm surges
  • Mass migrations of people escaping droughts, floods and rising sea levels
  • Financial instability – devaluations of fossil fuel reserves and related c
    ompany shares, devaluations of property assets especially waterfronts.
  • Threats to Food production and Agriculture in general, which will also differentially affect land valuations
  • Increased Transport Costs
  • Increased Infrastructure Costs – repairing and building stronger roads, bridges, waterfronts, etc
  • Increased Costs of Emergency Services with more extreme weather events
  • Increased Housing Construction Costs rising to cope with these weather events
  • and so the list goes on and on.

Climate Change should be a central part of the agenda for the G20 Leaders Summit meeting in a few days time. The Australian PM’s comment on the topic of climate change that he just “expects it to come up” shows an appalling lack of leadership with no care for future generations both elsewhere and in Australia.

Hunger Strike (Day 5 – 9th Nov)

Sincere action is needed from the G20 on Climate Change which will most affect the poor and hungriest in the world. In sympathy with them, I have decided to go on hunger strike to show just how strongly I feel that the G20 are the ones who should take sincere action and DO IT NOW. Go to for more information.

(Is anybody willing to volunteer help by driving me to Brisbane for the March?)

Show your concern by fasting for one day, this week (10 to 15 Nov), whichever day you prefer. It does not matter which day really.  Enlist on Fastfortheclimate or Fastfortheearth; show you care for just one day. Go to the People’s March in Brisbane, or join others in Central Park, Armidale, at the same time.

BrisCan Peoples March

Please let us know if you are going to do something, possibly with a photo of yourself holding your message for the G20 Summit Leaders

By Email
Or Tweet @AoC_Colin
Or message us on Facebook “ActOnClimate”

Please do not fast if you have any medical issues.

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