Reducing Wood Smoke Emissions


Dorothy Robinson, a long time advocate of reducing wood smoke emissions in Armidale has obtained particulate sensors to back her concerns with science.

The sensors use a fan to draw air past two lasers (Channels A & B), causing reflections from any particles in the air. These reflections are used to count particles in six sizes between 0.3µm and 10µm diameter (more than just smoke i.e. v.small dust). Readings are then uploaded to the cloud every 80 seconds or so where they are stored for download and display on the PurpleAir map.

The map below is a publicly exposed real-time data capture across the Armidale valley. Click on locations to show expanded data sets.

The purpose of the Air Quality Index (AQI) is to help you understand what local air quality means to your health.

When the AQI is in this range: ..air quality conditions are:
0 to 50 Good — Enjoy activities
51 to 100 Moderate — Enjoy activities
101 to 150 Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups — Cut back or reschedule strenuous outdoor activities
151 to 200 Unhealthy for Everyone — Cut back or reschedule strenuous outdoor activities
201 to 300 Very Unhealthy — Significantly cut back on outdoor physical activities
301 to 500 Hazardous — Avoid all outdoor physical activities

Posted on

Saturday, 11 Feb

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