Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

CSG & public health conference in Narrabri

  • Wednesday, 15th August, 2018, 2pm-8.30pm
  • The Crossing Theatre, 117 Tibbereena St, Narrabri

A conference for all health professionals, including doctors, health service managers and health care workers in the Coal Seam Gas exploration areas of New South Wales.

Why do we need a Coal Seam Gas and Public Health Conference?

Coal Seam Gas licences cover 12% of the land mass of NSW. Based on the experiences both in Queensland and overseas, public health impacts over such a large geographical area could be significant. This timely conference will address issues of concern to host communities and inform professionals of the impacts experienced in the CSG gas-rush of Queensland’s Darling Downs and south-west Sydney.

Who should attend?

  • Doctors
  • Nurses and Nurse Managers
  • Midwives and Child Health Specialists
  • Social Workers and Allied Health Professionals
  • Pharmacists
  • Shire Council personnel from areas where unconventional gas extraction is under consideration
  • NSW Health
  • Community members

Evening forum: Is the Precautionary Principle being applied in health impact assessments? Cost: Full attendance (includes dinner) $85. Afternoon Program only (without dinner) $50.

The Conference will be preceded by a Pilliga Gasfields Tour on Tuesday 14th August, please let us know if you would like a place on this tour.


Registration from 1pm

2pm Afternoon session commences

  • “Health Impacts of Living in or near a Gasfield – the Evidence”
    Dr Helen Redmond, Rehabilitation Physician and Member of Doctors for the Environment Australia (NSW)
  • “Are emissions from the unconventional gas industry associated with hospitalisations in the Darling Downs, Queensland?”
    Dr Geralyn McCarron, Queensland General Practitioner
  • “Sources of emissions in the gasfield – focus on gaseous emissions”
    Mrs Shay Dougall, Work, Health, Safety and Environment Specialist, and former Chinchilla gas fields resident

4pm Afternoon tea

4.20pm Sessions continue

  • “Mental Health concerns for CSG host communities”
    Dr Methuen Morgan, Psychologist, University of New England
  • “Applying Health Impact Assessment in Coal Seam Gas developments”
    Prof Melissa Haswell, Faculty of Health, Queensland University of Technology

6-7pm Dinner

7-8.30pm Panel Discussion & Open Forum

  • Dr Helen Redmond
  • Dr Geralyn McCarron
  • Shay Dougall
  • Dr Methuen Morgan
  • Prof Melissa Haswell


To register please fill in this form: CSG Public Health Conference

For more information about the event, accommodation options (including billeting) please phone the CSG & Public Health Conference information line: {mobile prefix oh for}16 077 753

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