Black Gully Festival 2019

On the 9thNovember the Black Gully Festival will be held in the parklands behind New England Art Museum in Armidale. This is the 9th festival, put on by a range of community groups, with the themes of Music, Art, Environment, Community. The heart of the festival is...

Community comes together at Black Gully Festival

The community will come together at the 8th Black Gully Festival – a free and inclusive event celebrating Armidale and our region. “Black Gully Festival is truly a community day. It is organised by the community for our community,” said Dave Carr, a driving force...

Black Gully Festival Needs Volunteers!

Volunteers are needed for Black Gully Festival for both preparations on Friday, and then Pack-up/Set-up on the day. If you can give two hours or more to the cause get in touch. Every year New England folk gather at Black Gully (behind NERAM) to celebrate community,...