A new solar farm is being proposed near Uralla, making use of the New England’s great renewable energy resources. The New England Solar Farm, being developed by UPC Renewables, is slated to be one of Australia’s largest solar farms, bringing 600 to 800MW more solar PV to the region.
If the project goes ahead, UPC have committed to sharing the benefits of the solar farm with the local community by contributing $250 per year for every megawatt of solar power installed. For the planned 600 to 800MW solar farm, this means somewhere between $150,000 to $200,000 per year for 25 years. This could take the form of funding (e.g. grants, sponsorship, scholarships), partnerships with important local groups or projects, in-kind contributions, education and tourism initiatives, and much more.
In coming weeks, there will be opportunities for locals to contribute to plans for how this benefit should be shared – more news on that next week. Stay posted!
For more info go to www.newenglandsolarfarm.com.au, email info@newenglandsolarfarm.com.au or call 1300 250 479.
You can also stay up to date with the project by signing up to UPC’s newsletter from their website.
UPC is an Australian branch of an international renewable energy company who develop and own wind and solar farms all over the world.