Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

Carbon with a twist — artists, farmers and scientists come together for an unusual project

From June 16, Bingara’s very own The Living Classroom will host the first artists in residence as part of a major two-year art project exploring our changing relationship to land. “An Artist, a Farmer, and a Scientist walk into a bar…” brings contemporary artists into regional NSW to make art addressing the concerns of communities grappling with the impacts of climate change and intensive land use. On this occasion the artists in residence are Georgina Pollard, Alex Wisser, Laura Fisher and Jono Bolitho. They will work with environmental scientist Ruy Anaya de la Rosa, organic farmer Glenn Morris and others on projects that open our eyes to unexpected ways of engaging with biochar, soil and humus.

The artists will host a workshop on June 24th at The Living Classroom, looking at the fascinating complexity of carbon and its role in maintaining life on this planet. Led by Georgina Pollard and Ruy Anaya de la Rosa, the workshop will involve creating a DIY biochar kiln, a demonstration of biochar in action (producing plenty to take home with you), and artistic activities using charcoal. Participants will also learn about the exciting new initiative, The Carbon Farm, 100 hectares of former grazing land that will showcase options for sequestering carbon.

The artists will be in residence from June 16 – 30 and the public is encouraged to come down to The Living Classroom to meet with them and have a chat.  If you miss out, don’t worry, there will be plenty more public activities across the length of the project.

There are limited places at the workshop so if you’re interested, get in quick! Visit Carbon Science: Carbon Culture

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