Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

Investigation: Barnaby’s gas bonanza and the pervading influence of the gas lobby

Gas companies weigh a heavy influence over Australia’s political leadership. As the horror show over high gas prices unfolds, Big Gas Con whistleblower and analyst, Simone Marsh, reports on National Party donations, the gas lobby, the “revolving doors” between industry and politics, and Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce and his land parcel at Narrabri where Santos is planning to drill. This is the first of a two-part series.

the Coalition’s complicity over gas exports was on display last week as the Prime Minister twirled the control trigger on his finger, then turned to point at us. Turnbull’s government threatens to triangulate the people by withholding GST from States that ban unconventional gas exploitation.

Read more: Investigation: Barnaby’s gas bonanza and the pervading influence of the gas lobby | Michael West

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