Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

Reminder AURG / Armidale Road to Paris working bee this Sunday

imageArmidale Urban Rivercare Group (AURG) and Sustainable Living Armidale (SLA) are two local community action groups combining efforts this weekend to highlight the Armidale community’s support for real global action on climate change at the UN Paris Climate conference in December.

“We are always looking for ways we can contribute to reducing our environmental impact at the local level,” said Bar Finch.  “For example, if each family in the rich world replaced meat with vegetable for one meal each week, this would have a measurable impact on methane emissions to the atmosphere,” To emphasize this point there ill be some traditional middle-eastern vegetarian dishes alongside the usual sausage sandwich and salad prepared for lunch by the Armidale-Dumaresq Lions Club.

This weekend AURG and SLA will be working together on the Dumaresq Creek rehabilitation project which has transformed the Armidale creeklands over the last 15 years.

What we want to do is create a better world for everyone.  It seems so obvious to most people.  But it takes action, and in every community so many people are acting.  Look at the take-up of rooftop solar, community energy projects, bush regeneration, cycleways, hybrid vehicles community gardens. We know what has to be done.  We can add Creek rehabilitation which makes a significant contribution to biodiversity preservation and native species conservation in the heart of Armidale.

This weekend’s tree planting on Sunday, 11 October, will be on the northern side of Dumaresq Creek, east of Niagara Street near the Cycleway crossing and adjacent to Northcott St, from 8am until lunchtime.  Hop on your bike and come along to add your muscle to the call for action at Paris. Be in the photo at 11am to show Armidale’s commitment to the aims of the Paris Climate Summit.

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