Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

One step off the grid – news for electricity consumers

RenewEconomy is launching One Step Off The Grid, a sister site with a focus on the consumer side of the energy market, and how the uptake of rooftop solar, battery storage and other technologies will usher in a dramatic transformation of the energy system.

Australia is at the cutting edge of this revolution and has more “pro-sumers” ~ consumers that produce at least some of their own electricity needs ~ per head of population than any other country in the world. The advent of battery storage will offer even more choice. For some, it will mean the ability to leave the grid.

One Step Off The Grid will assist consumers to navigate their way through the complexity of tariffs, policy changes, and new technologies, and make the choice that suits their needs.

One Step Off The Grid is a free website with a weekly newsletter. It will provide information to consumers ~ in households, business and communities ~ on all of the latest developments, as well as a special forum for readers to ask questions, and exchange information and ideas, about the new technologies.

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