Our next working bee is scheduled for Sunday 14th March on the creek lands near Saint Peters Preschool (87 O’Dell St). Work will include cut and pasting, whipper snipping and general tidy up.

Details for working bee are as follows:

  • Time: 8.30am
  • Date: Sunday 14th March, 2021
  • LocationDumaresq creek bank on southern side near footbridge accessed off O’Dell Street.
  • What to bring: BYO long sleeved shirt, long pants and sturdy boots.  Please also bring gloves, broad brim hat and sunscreen.

Covid 19 Reminder. Bear in mind the current requirements for social distancing and group size whilst working and eating. We will allocate tasks and eating arrangements depending upon numbers.

AURG will provide equipment, morning tea and a BBQ lunch for a gold coin donation.