Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

Sustainable Living Armidale 2021 planning day

Sustainable Living Armidale is holding a 2021 planning day and you are invited. If you have energy, ideas and most importantly, can commit your own time to taking action, please join the SLA coordinating committee to sketch out the year ahead.
Saturday 6th February 2pm-5pm (followed by a social debrief at the pub!)
Due to Covid-19 we have limited spaces so please indicate your interest prior to the meeting. Email Tanya with a brief statement about why you would like to attend and what you hope to achieve.
SLA needs you to survive and thrive – consider getting involved to reinvigorate sustainable living in Armidale and surrounds.

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