Local residents, recalling swimming and fishing in Dumaresq Creek, founded the Armidale Urban Rivercare Group (AURG) to rehabilitate Dumaresq Creek in Armidale. Since 2002, long sections of Dumaresq Creek from Lake Zot at UNE to Cookes Road have been rehabilitated through the efforts of AURG’s members. Well over 70,000 endemic riparian plants have been planted after noxious plants and weeds were removed.

We joined AURG as soon as we heard about it, because we shared its vision for rehabilitating and reinvigorating Dumaresq Creek, and because it provides with us an opportunity to contribute to our community and our natural environment.

Studies by researchers from UNE concluded that Dumaresq Creek has already been significantly improved by AURG’s earlier efforts. Water quality is up, flow has improved and aquatic life has benefited measurably. Residents near the plantings have noted increased diversity of bird species.

The success of AURG’s projects has been a source of personal pride.

Trees and other plants are central to the water, oxygen and carbon cycles. They are the lungs of our society. They replenish oxygen in the air and filter many pollutants from the air. They are the lungs of our society. They are significant regulators of climate, damping temperature fluctuations, absorbing solar radiation and carbon dioxide. They regulate rainfall, mitigate flooding, provide habitat for fauna and sustain bio-diversity. Riparian species are essential to the health of creeks and rivers, the source of most of our drinking water. Trees are essential for life.

Projects such as the AURG’s activities are local measures to protect our air and water and to combat climate change. Replicated nationally and internationally they make a significant contribution, without straining the economy or relying on high technology.

AURG’s working bees provide an opportunity to actively participate in mitigating climate change. They are normally held on the second Sunday of the month, from 8:30 to 12:30, except in winter. Other activities are undertaken as the occasion arises.

Working bees are also an opportunity to meet new people by working alongside one another or chatting over tea or lunch, both provided by Dumaresq Lions. Come along and bring friends or family members. Stay as long as you like. Everyone is welcome.

Information about the working bees is available through the AURG’s Facebook page

Otherwise contact Bryan Johnstone on {mobile prefix oh four}29 721 424 or Bruce Whan on {mobile prefix oh four}07 456 169

By: Imi Bokor — AURG member