Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

Sustainable House Day — this Sunday

This Sunday is the big day: Sustainable House Day 2020!  The virtual format means that joining in is easy. You’ll be able to connect with homeowners all around Australia from the comfort of your couch.

At 10am on Sunday, we will be opening three virtual rooms, each of which will host sessions with homeowners and experts throughout the day. Links to each room will be available on our website. You won’t need to log in to the Sustainable House Day site to join the rooms—simply click on the Zoom link for the room you want at the appropriate time and you’ll be whisked into the correct session. Jumping from room to room is easy, so you can switch between them, depending on your area of interest: you just leave the room you’re in and click on the link for the session you want to join.

There will be plenty of time for questions in these sessions, so we recommend checking out the participating houses before the day to think of anything you’d like to ask. Video tours are now live, and links to these houses can be found in the program.

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