Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

Platypus Prophecy Special Episode: Jeremy Buckingham on stopping the Narrabri CSG project

It’s decision time on the Narrabri gas project. Time for action! 

It’s happened. The NSW Government officially backed approval of the Santos Narrabri Gas Project and have referred it for a decision to the Independent Planning Commission (IPC). That process could take just 12 weeks.

It’s time to gear up. It has been community action that has led to the majority of coal seam gas licences and projects being stopped in NSW. It worked at Bentley, it worked in Camden and worked at Gloucester. Together we can stop the Narrabri Gas Project too.

In a special episode of the Platypus Prophecy Podcast — Justin Field talks to Jeremy Buckingham, former Member of the NSW Legislative Council and CSG campaign legend. While we were recording, news broke of the NSW Planning Department’s recommendation for the Narrabri project — so we get into that a bit.

Hopefully this chat will give you some inspiration for the next few months. Jeremy tells some tales from the early days of the CSG campaign, the politics of gas, the Frack Finding Tour to the US and his thoughts on winning against Santos at Narrabri.


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