The Nonviolence Film Festival is an event that highlights global challenges and actions taken in Australia and around the world to establish and maintain peace.
With social distancing measures in place, UNE Peace Studies is encouraging people to participate in the 11th annual Nonviolence Film Festival from home.
Join us over the next few days watching a selection of films highlighting global change, then in a Zoom session with Dr Vanessa Bible, UN Humanitarian Affairs Peace Ambassador 2020, and Dr Marty Branagan,? Convenor of Peace Studies, who will be discussing the film topics and be available to answer any questions you have!
Friday 15 May, 1pm — The Nonviolence Film Festival ZOOM room.
So grab the popcorn and click the links below to start watching this year’s film selection.
For more information on all the films with links and summaries go to the University fo New England page.