Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

PUBLIC FEEDBACK: Let’s end single use plastics in NSW

Plastic waste is polluting our waterways and oceans at an alarming rate, creating a looming health and environmental crisis.

NSW generates 800,000 tonnes of plastic waste each year, equivalent to the weight of 45,000 school buses. At this rate, plastics will soon choke our tips and waterways, kill wildlife, contaminate our soils and water supplies and even infiltrate our food chains.

We must all play our part but the big gains will only be made through decisive government leadership. Will you tell the NSW Government you want an end to plastic pollution?

The government has just released a discussion paper, titled Cleaning up our act: redirecting the future of plastic in NSW, and is asking for public feedback before May 8. This is a rare opportunity for you to have a say on one of the most pressing environmental issues of our time.

While the government appears open to significant reform in this area, you can be sure the packaging industry and other powerful interests are lobbying to ensure they have to do as little as possible to clean up their act.

That’s why it is so important for the government to hear from people like you and me who want to end single-use plastics and keep our bushland, rivers and oceans free of plastics.

Thanks for acting to make a better world!

Chris Gambian, Chief Executive, Nature Conservation Council of NSW

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