Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

VIDEO May Forum: The potential of nature play

//ZOOM webinar in response to COVID-19 concerns//
Nature play is about children playing and learning in local natural environments. Currently, there is an international nature play movement and in Australia many early childhood services and some schools have responded by developing nature play programs. Such programs have diverse benefits for children from physical skills and risk management to social skills and local environmental and Indigenous understandings.

The unique landscapes of Australia offer many possibilities and programs have been developed in bushland, farmland, beaches and urban parks. There are also opportunities to create partnerships between local teachers and the various groups involved with wildlife, land care, biodiversity and conservation.

Over recent years Sue Motley, Armidale Community Preschool, Matt McKenzie, Thalgarrah Environmental Education Centre and Sue Elliott, University of New England have been working together to promote nature play through New England region initiatives. In this presentation they will share the potential of nature play, plus local and international insights, the panel presentation will include videos and opportunities for discussion.

Forum is Thursday 7th May, 7-9pm just join with this link SLA ZOOM webinar (get password via email or subscribe to SLAM to be posted the link without needing the password). The forum will broadcast live to our facebook page.

Everyone is Welcome.

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