Hello friends

Armidale Regional Council has let native wildflowers and grasses flower and set seed in part of Drummond Park. It used to be mown regularly but was left unmown during the drought and when the rain refreshed it. Some wildflower species survived past mowing but rarely got to set seed. These are now thriving particularly where there are gaps in the grass. There are lots of native grass species, some of which are quite interesting when they flower before seeding, like windmill grass. The most common grass is a native species called Paddock Love Grass.

I have been taking photos of them for the last month so here are some of the photos for you to enjoy and pass on to others.

Please come for a walk to see the flowers for yourself. There are some flowers scattered through all the unmown areas under or between the lovely long grasses. I took the attached photos in the northwest section towards Markham St which Council will manage as a meadow in future.

There are many more species in flower in good patches of grassy woodland around the district at present, notably in on the top of North Hill around Apex Lookout – also part of Drummond Park. I recommend that you look to the west of the main lookout and around the smaller lookout on the top of the hill. You could explore between the Lookout and the meadow.

Cheers Kate