Taking this 3-question survey could help save the species!

The Regent Honeyeater is a unique Australian songbird on the verge of extinction, with fewer than 400 individuals estimated to survive in the wild.

By answering 3 simple questions, you can assist us to establish baseline information about the current levels of awareness of the Regent Honeyeater.

Completing this survey should take less than 3 minutes. The questions you see when you click on the link are:

  1. To what degree are you interested in woodland birds? (1-10 scale)
  2. What makes it difficult or challenging for you to identify a Regent Honeyeater?
  3. What do you see as beneficial or rewarding about being able to identify a Regent Honeyeater?

The “Turning the tide on threatened species – Regent Honeyeater” project seeks to gain the support of the whole community to raise awareness of the Regent Honeyeater, and to empower and assist the community with resources and funding to take actions that address threats to the species.

Photo courtesy of  Paul McDonald (UNE) – Regent Honeyeater foraging on blossoms near Bundarra 24 May 2019.