A very successful Bicycle Day was held at The Traffic Education Centre. Many bicycles and helmets were handed out to happy new owners, other people brought their bikes to be checked and instruction was given on how to ride a bike safely.

The overwhelming response meant a lot of people were disappointed as we ran out of bikes to donate so we are again appealing to the community  for donations of bikes in good, rideable condition.  The wish list is for 17 adult female bikes, 11 adult male and 8 for children ages 2 to 13

If you are dragging an old bike out of the back shed, please get it checked over before donating as we don’t have the ability or personpower to fix bikes.  Sadly a few of the donations last time round had to go to the tip.  Thank you to anyone who can assist – please contact me on Jan Wyles on {mobile prefix oh for}14264140.