Shut down this continents biggest climate criminal — September 12-16th (Arrive Tuesday 11th)

Frontline Action on Coal and Newcastle Climate Justice Uprising are inviting you to come and take part in a week of civil disobedience training and direct action against the world’s largest coal port. This event will take place on Awabakal & Worimi country in Newcastle.

Please register on our website @ 

We are mobilising to remind the population that runaway climate change poses an imminent threat to almost all life on Earth. This critically important issue will not be addressed until we the people stand up and hold the multinational #ClimateCriminals in the fossil fuel industry accountable for the damage they are doing to our planet.

#EndCoal: FLAC is expanding our direct action campaign against the fossil fuel sector to target existing climate criminals like the Newcastle coal port as well as new projects. All coal, new and old, needs to stay in the ground if we are to avoid ecological collapse.