Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

New England North West 9th solar power bulk-buy block

We’re excited to announce that the 9th solar power bulk-buy block is now open!

The bulk-buy discounts for this ninth block are still up to 33% below regular retail prices. We are pleased to be offering an expanded range of high quality solar panels and inverter options too ~ adding JA Solar and Solar Edge to our range. The full schedule of prices are detailed below.

The total take-up of solar power through the NENW program has now surpassed 1.4MW, which is fantastic!

When we total up all of Farming the Sun’s bulk-buy programs in all regions, plus our previous solar power projects, the grand total has passed 2.4MW!

Here’s a few more statistics on how the NENW Farming the Sun Solar Power Bulk-Buy program is going to date:

  • Total capacity of solar power systems to date 1,474.75kW
  • Average system size of 4.84kW
  • One and a half dozen Tesla Powerwall battery storage systems
  • More than 450 expressions of interest to participate
We would welcome your support in sharing this update with any of your friends, family or work colleagues who you think may also be interested in going solar or upgrading their solar power system.

Initiatives like Farming the Sun truly are a community collaboration. Their success is about word-of-mouth and community goodwill more than anything else. The results of this bulk-buy program are a credit to every single person, business and partner who has played a part!

Here are all the details of the solar bulk-buy programs

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