Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

Council draft woodsmoke policy discussion and submissions

Invitation to discuss and write submissions on Council’s draft woodsmoke policy, 6:15 pm, Thursday 2 August 2018, before the main SLA meeting at 7 pm in Kent House on Biochar.

Council’s draft policy on wood heaters & air quality is on public display until Wednesday, 8 August.

So far, we have had 23 exceedances of National Air Quality standards at the NSW Govt monitoring station, and many more in residential areas.  The graph shows how our air pollution compared with other measured locations in NSW, including central Sydney and two Hunter Valley towns near to coal mines and power stations that generate enough electricity for 3.25 million homes.

Should council continue to allow more and more new heaters with real-life emissions similar to the ones that are causing our air quality problems?

Drop in on or after 6:15 pm to discuss the policy and help write submissions suggesting how it might be improved!

Looking forward to seeing you!

Cr Dorothy Robinson

Cr Margaret O’Connor

Comments are closed.