“Gathering of the Geeks” Electric Vehicles Expo

  • Where: National Transport Museum Inverell NSW 2360
  • When: 4th to 6th May 2018

Visit the New England in Autumn for the first Electric Vehicle Expo and Motor Show held over 3 days and 3 Shires. The National Transport Museum is the largest in New England (4000m2 under one roof) with extensive grounds and exterior displays.

The event will host Electric Cars, Motorcycles, Bicycles, Drones, Robotics, School Science Projects, Storage and all New Age Products reducing Fossil Dependence.

To attend check out the accommodation which extends from Inverell to Glen Innes and Moree. Early Bookings recommended.

Drivers of Electric Vehicles should google the charge stations from their direction of travel. The National Transport Museum through their major sponsor Essential Energy will have a number of 5 pin charge points, along with Glen Innes Tourism having multiple charge points.

The event will see runs through the colourful and highland terrain of the New England and will coincide with the Glen Innes Celtic Festival where an invite to display the vehicles for a short period has been extended. Current discussions could see the solar challenge group run a demonstration/shake down run from Moree to Inverell and return.

The New England is without a doubt becoming the renewable capitol of Australia with 3 wind farms and 2 solar fars forming stage one of development.

We have the support of all the wind and solar farms for this event as well as 3 shire Council’s and major sponsors.

This is unique in that it is not entertainment based and will cater for the many “Geeks” who enjoy like company.

List of times to venue from points of accommodation. EG Moree 90mins, Glen Innes 40mins, Copeton 30mins, Green Valley Farm 35mins, Inverell 5 mins, Armidale 90 mins and Warialda 40 mins.

Registration Form

Accommodation in Inverell