Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

Accelerate Climate Action tour with Bill McKibben in May

350 Australia are putting together a packed schedule for the Accelerate Climate Action tour.

Bill McKibben will be racing around Australia talking to people about how we can accelerate our response to climate change, move money and influence from the fossil fuel industry and bring on clean energy.

We will meet with government. We will meet with business. But most importantly, Bill will be meeting with the people of Australia who are already taking action on climate change – leading the way when our political leaders refuse to.

Can you help us pull off this massive tour, and accelerate towards a fossil free future?

To hear from Bill across the country, keep these dates free and RSVP on Facebook.

Sydney – Tuesday, May 1

Canberra – Wednesday, May 2

Melbourne – Thursday, May 3

Adelaide – Friday, May 4

There will be more details to come, and don’t worry if you don’t live in a city centre. We’ll be livestreaming at least one of Bill’s tour events nationally.

The acceleration won’t end with Bill’s tour. We’ll be asking people around the country to add their efforts to those on the world stage such as the groundbreaking NYC legal case against five of the world’s biggest oil companies and new divestment announcements happening internationally. We’ll build a strong movement to march with our demands right on up to the next federal election.

A future affected by climate change is rushing towards us – let’s accelerate towards the solutions.


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