Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

#Time2Choose Rally for Clean Water, Clean Air and Clean Energy!

Throughout history, there are some rare and powerful moments that build the power of the people and shift the course of our collective futures. 24 March—exactly one year before the next NSW election—will be one of those moments.

On this day NSW will be at a crossroads. Do we want more coal and gas? Or clean water, clean air and clean energy?

Join us on 24 March for a powerful rally opened by First Nations’ ceremony and led by riders on horseback. You can help make history!

  • When: 12pm – 2pm, 24 March, 2018.
  • Where: Parliament House, Sydney CBD.

Thousands of people will flock to the Sydney CBD from the frontlines of coal and gas battles across regional NSW, many thousands more will come out from across the city in support.

Will you help NSW choose a brighter future?

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