Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

Save Armidale Mall Rally — 11am Sat, Feb 3rd

You are probably aware of the recent proposal to make changes to the Mall.

Many groups have used the Mall for community and/or political rallies and demonstrations, and for community celebrations. As concerned citizens you may wish to participate in Council’s consultation process and also join other community members and support the forthcoming rally.

There had been the possibility of a substantial Government grant, and Armidale Regional Council (before the Council election), hurriedly engaged consultants to prepare a ‘concept plan’. The ‘concept’ included the opening up of the Mall to through traffic.

A public outcry, a petition and a planned Protest Rally on Feb 3rd has led to Council withdrawing the funding application, and plans are temporarily on hold.

The plan, however, is still available for inspection and comment until 16th February at Council’s Community Connect shopfront in the Mall at the entrance to Perrotts Arcade. There is also a people’s Save Armidale Mall shopfront, open mornings, in the shop next to the Courthouse Coffee shop, where you can see some other ideas, and suggest some.

The Rally will still go ahead: Saturday February 3rd at 11am. In the Mall.

A large rally, with homemade placards expressing community views, will make clear that people do care, and do want to be involved in any plans for our Mall.

Even though the Mall traders have been central in protesting the proposed design, everyone knows the Mall is about a lot more than shopping – it’s our gathering place, protest place, hang out with friends place, meet people place, and we care about its future.
Put in a submission to Council,

Make a placard/sign,

Come to the Rally on Saturday 3rd Feb at 11am.

Talk about this to the Council members that you recently voted for.

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