Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

Can you help out during Tamworth Country Music Festival?

For the sixth year AACSG&M will help staff the NorthWest Alliance Stall. Our dates are

Sunday 21 January and Friday 26 January, 2018

Car-pool leaving Armidale 8 am; spend the day helping to staff the stall representing all the groups involved in the North West Alliance (including People4Plains, Coonabarabran Residents Against Coal Seam Gas, Lock the Gate, Wando CCC, Pilliga Push); return about 5 pm.

The stall is in the (air conditioned) Atrium again, thanks to Paul Robert Burton, and adjacent to a stage which features great acts often with a strong environmental message.

Contact Pat ({mobile prefix oh for}28725852) or Elizabeth ({mobile prefix oh for}08670684) for carpooling.

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