Glen Innes is at the centre of the renewables revolution according to a recent ABC news article, which highlights the Sapphire and White Rock wind farms. Both are being constructed close to the town due to the ideal combination of high winds and grid connectivity found on this part of the Great Dividing Range.

Goldwind, who are responsible for White Rock wind farm, have also started construction of a 70,000 panel solar farm in the area making the town a genuine renewable energy hub.

The developments have brought a huge boost for the local economy. Some of the 30 farmers on whose land the new turbines are being built have declared that it is helping them to drought-proof their businesses. What’s more, local businesses are employing more staff to deal with the influx of construction workers who are now spending money in the area.


Read more: Small town of Glen Innes to become renewable energy hub scattered with wind turbines by Phillipa McDonald on ABC News