The maintenance working bee will be on the northern side of Dumaresq Creek opposite Northcott Street.

We have had a fair bit of flood damage with a high flood on 29th June and we plan to replace damaged cartons, do essential weeding and apply rock mulch to replace the mulch lost with the flooding.  Of interest, the flooding has opened up some of  waterholes and cleaned out a lot of rubbish. Hopefully we will observe a reduction of Phragmites over time.   

Details of the working bee are to follow early next week.

  • Time: 8.30 am
  • Date: Sunday 13th August, 2017
  • Location: North side of Dumaresq Creek downstream of Niagara Street and opposite Northcott Street. Access via Niagara Street or Northcott Street off Erskine Street. 
  • What to bring: BYO long sleeved shirt, long pants and sturdy boots.  Please also bring gloves, broad brim hat and sunscreen.  AURG will provide equipment, however additional wheelbarrows will be appreciated.

Morning tea and BBQ lunch will be provided for a gold coin donation.

We look forward to your attendance and continuing support!