Black Gully Music Festival 2022
10am SAT NOV 9th

Every year Armidale folk gather at Black Gully (behind NERAM) to celebrate community, music and biodiversity
Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.
Lightbulb Moments
Take control of your electrical use & costs with this Resource Guide Online PDF and Print PDF for welfare agencies to assist clients, colleagues and community.

Narrabri Gas Project EIS Workshop Armidale

This event is part of the North West Alliance Narrabri Gas Project EIS Workshop Tour. Engaging communities across the North West.

We are at a critical moment in the campaign to protect Pilliga Forest, stop the Santos Narrabri Gas Project and end CSG in NSW.

Between now and 22nd May, the public has an opportunity to submit a formal objection and raise a protective voice for the Great Artesian Basin and the future of our underground water supplies. Every engaging action is essential now for our land, water and future.

SANTOS has filed its Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) with the NSW Government. Over 7,000 pages in total. We don’t need everyone to read every page, but stopping SANTOS will need everyone’s submission. To make it easy and inspire more participation, we’re hosting a Narrabri Gas Project EIS Workshop

Facilitated by The Wilderness Society, Armidale Action on CSG & Mining along with Knitting Nannas Armidale Group are offering the chance to get informed and make your voice count.

Understand the key issues of this project and find out how you can help. A combination of detailed personal submissions and a quantity of form submissions will be essential to demonstrate public opposition. The workshop will provide training and support to write the most powerful submission possible and how to generate dozens or even hundreds more submissions.

Just in the initial exploration phase, this project has already caused over 20 toxic spills and leaks including contaminating an aquifer with uranium. The project would extract over 35 billion litres of toxic groundwater and drill right through the recharge area of the Great Artesian Basin. It would generate tens of thousands of tonnes of salt waste for which SANTOS has still offered no waste disposal plans. The gasfield would fragment over 90,000 hectares of the Pilliga Forest, impacting endangered species and industrialising the largest temperate woodland in eastern Australia.

Anyone can make a submission and every single one will count!
This workshop will run through valuable points and help you write the most powerful submission possible.
Please invite everyone to get informed and involved now! We have until 22nd May 2017, to lodge as many submissions as possible.
It’s critical the voices from the North West are heard loud and clear.

Refreshments provided!
Bea Bleile: {mobile prefix oh for}58 752 680

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