AURG - Road to Paris plantingA big thank you to all who helped out on 5 February. A very hot and heavy working bee laying stone and compost mulch. We achieved our desired outcome to repair and protect the flood damaged area.

Another thankyou to those who helped out with the UNE student planting on Thursday 16 February. Some 250 students signed the attendance sheet and a significant number of these have indicated they would like to receive further mailings of Rivercare events.

The AURG is holding the next Working Bee on Sunday 12th March, 2017.

The working bee will be at the planting site beside the Bike Track east of Niagara Street. Gordon and Bruce have weeded our previous plantings and we need to do some fill -in plantings on those and also  plant one site that we previously didn’t plant. Could be 400 – 500 plants. We have also had mulch delivered to the site and will have spread that on the day also. 

Details of the working bee are as follows:-

  • Time:                     8.30 am
  • Date:                     Sunday 12th March, 2017
  • Location: The planting site beside the Bike Track east of Niagara Street.
  • What to bring:   BYO long sleeved shirt, long pants and sturdy boots.  Please also bring gloves, broad brim hat and sunscreen.  AURG will provide equipment, however additional wheelbarrows will be appreciated.

Morning tea and BBQ lunch will be provided for a gold coin donation. 

We look forward to your attendance and continuing support!