Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

Sustainable Futures Convention 2017, Gloucester NSW — Sat 25 & Sun 26 March

FullSizeRender (2)Following on from the inaugural Gloucester NSW weekend in 2015, we are focusing on progressive communities and individuals in action; walking the talk and finding solutions.

Transitioning towards renewable economic and social landscapes is in full swing across Australia and the world. 

The challenges and choices of sustainable living in rural and regional communities are creating exciting opportunities.

Be inspired by others active in their communities – social change makers, sustainable industries and businesses. 

Join us for a weekend of creative, robust and challenging conversations by exploring solutions for our future. 

You are needed. Your voice, your ideas, your energy, inspiration, enthusiasm and wisdom.

The programme is constantly evolving. Please check our current booking site  to book your spot! 

Check Facebook for details while we update our website within the next week.

 A ‘cocktail, canapés and music’ night will be held on the Saturday evening for $26 – this will be added to the booking site shortly. Featuring the magic finger food from Fox Den catering.

Do you have workshop ideas or suggestions? We would love to hear from you. 

Contact us asap at: or phone Julie Lyford on {mobile prefix oh four}24269784 / Sue Kingston on{mobile prefix oh four}57306044 for more information and any assistance you can offer.

See you on 25th and 26th March in beautiful Gloucester 

Sustainable Futures Committee

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