Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

Knitting Nannas this Friday 11–1pm, outside Barnaby Joyce’s Office

IMG_2750Hello Water Protectors,

Things are heating up again in the Pilliga. Word from ground-zero, we have 6mths tops to stop this project and push for a #NSWgasban.

Recent announcements for a $500M pipeline and the current integrity of Water Monitoring is in question, due to location chosen for the collection of base-line samples (from a previously fracked site) should raise more than an eye-brow.. It’s time to make a stand and remind Barnaby Joyce, the Minister for Agriculture, Water and Australia’s Deputy Prime Minister, that #SANTOScsg2Risky and “clean water is our most valuable resource”.

The pipeline is planned through some of our most valuable agriculture land in the region. It would open the North West to further Coal Seam Gas exploration and development, with the first stage plan for 850 gas wells. 

Megan Kuhn, of Bundella, said “For years the communities of the North West NSW region have shown we are staunchly opposed to CSG development and the risks it brings to our farms, our livelihoods, and our families’ health. The Government needs to listen to the community and reject this project.”

Details for the event below. I’m hoping to see a number of us there. Friday is busy in town. I’ve invited the Armidale Express, submitted a press release and hope they pick it up and send a photographer. A colourful group of us with big signs and big smiles would be great! 

Sydney Knitting Nannas And Friends have been gathering outside SANTOS’ Sydney office for over a year.. All welcome.

Join the Knitting Nannas Against Gas New England North West – KNAG NENW and stand in solidarity to #KNAG4theGAB #gab4theGAB and protect our water… For the kiddies! 

Friday 10th Feb, 11–1pm, outside Barnaby Joyce’s Office

The Mall, Armidale

Bring your chair, friends, signs and banners and plenty of amusing antics.. Let’s get creative. For further details call {mobile prefix oh four}34012571 and facebook event.

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