The working bee will be an early start commencing at 7.30am to avoid the heat and enable mulching of flood damaged plantings associated with our Restoration and Rehabilitation of the Creeklands project.

Details of the working bee are as follows:-

  • Time: 7.30 am
  • Date: Sunday 5th February, 2017
  • Location: In the Creeklands area off Erskine Street adjacent to Phil Wheaton Field. Vehicle access through open gate near the toilets and drive towards the creek.  
  • What to bring: BYO long sleeved shirt, long pants and sturdy boots.  Please also bring gloves, broad brim hat and sunscreen.  AURG will provide equipment, however additional wheelbarrows will be appreciated.

A breakfast and morning tea will be provided for a gold coin donation.

We look forward to your attendance and continuing support!

Kind regards Bryan Johnston