d050fe212851165108a2ba3f4697797c_400x400The Paris climate accord negotiated last year has been ratified by enough countries for it to go into force.

A group of European nations raised support for the Paris Climate Change Agreement to countries that represent 56.75 per cent of world greenhouse gas emissions, above the 55 per cent needed for implementation.

Germany, France, Austria, Hungary, Slovakia and Malta – European Union nations that have completed domestic ratification and account for about 4 per cent of emissions – formally signed up on Wednesday October 5th.

In total, 72 countries out of 195 have ratified the agreement, the UN said.

However, Australia has missed out on being part of the historic moment.

The federal government only tabled the agreement in Parliament in its first week back after the July 2 election.

full article » Paris climate accord to go into force, Australia misses out | SMH