This competition is a way to have fun while challenging your friends, co-workers, and yourself to offset vehicle transport by riding as much as you can during NSW Bike Week and hopefully many more throughout the year!  

Commute Challenge Details

Competition Start/End:

The Bicycle Commute Challenge starts Saturday September 17th! Log and tally any commutes/trips you take on your bike everyday to the end date Friday September 23rd inclusive.

To Register or Log-in:

  • Register yourself or your team by clicking the register button at
  • If you can remember your old email you used from last year it is still in the system 🙂
  • If you cannot remember your password, enter something and if it is wrong you can reset it.
  • To register a new account enter your name, email and create a password (this will be used to log in during bike week and record your commutes)
  • To register a team, have one person from the team create a team name and tell everyone else the name. 
  • Other team members can then select that team from a pull-down menu when they register or log-in.
  • Teams must be comprised of 3-8 riders.

What can I count as a commute/trip?

Any bicycle ride you take between the competition start and end dates that takes you from point A to point B for a specific purpose. For instance, commutes from home to work, to do the shopping, to visit a friend or run an errand, or any other non-recreational ride that may have otherwise been done in a vehicle.

How is the competition scored?

The purpose of this competition is to get people pedaling instead of driving and to promote bicycling as a sustainable transportation mode in Armidale. While we encourage you to rack up the kilometers by biking as many places as you can during Bike Week, points will also be awarded for number of trips taken by bike! 

How do I submit my commute/trips?

You may enter your kilometres and trips online at


How do I know how many kilometers I’ve ridden each day? 

Google Maps can measure bike distances or use a smart phone GPS app

How do I celebrate all of the awesome bike commuting I’ve done during bike week?

By doing more riding at Pedal to Piney on Sunday September 25th!  We will announce winners and hand out prizes! Don’t miss this event. 

Ride safe and we’ll see you on the road