AURG - Road to Paris plantingThe Armidale Urban Rivercare Group (AURG) recently obtained a grant of $80,000 for its restoration and rehabilitation work in Armidale. This success is largely due to the work done by the committed volunteers of AURG and those who can only help occasionally. A walk along the creek shows how successful AURG has been until now.

The work is done by volunteers at regular working bees, with preparation beforehand for plantings and maintenance work.

Volunteers are always welcome and the working bees are very much a social occasion as well.

The next working bee on Sunday 11th September, 2016.

This will be a weeding day as part of our restoration and rehabilitation of the creeklands downstream of where Centennial Ave would intersect with Dumaresq Creek.

  • Time: 8.30 am
  • Date: Sunday 11th September, 2016
  • Location: In the creeklands area off Erskine Street adjacent to Phil Wheaton Field. Park near the toilets and walk through to the creek.  
  • What to bring: Long-sleeved shirt, long pants and sturdy boots. Please also bring gloves, broad brim hat and sunscreen.

As always a morning tea and lunch will be provided for a gold coin donation.

We look forward to your attendance and support.