Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.
Lightbulb Moments
Take control of your electrical use & costs with this Resource Guide Online PDF and Print PDF for welfare agencies to assist clients, colleagues and community.

#Water4Life — Australia’s Biggest Roadside Demonstration — Saturday, June 25 at 10am

Saturday, 11 Jun
10:30 am
Saturday, 25 Jun
10:00 am

IMG_4599Pat Schultz is organising the Armidale district. Phone:{mobile phone prefix oh four}28725852 to register your proposed location, or enquire about a location to protest. We hope to have people on Tamworth to Glen Innes and Armidale to Dorrigo.

Sign making at Pats place Sat 11th June10.30am till 12.30pm, then lunch.

Australia’s water is under threat from risky gas and coal mining. Mining expansion creates a small profit for a few, yet permanently damages and contaminates water sources for many.

This Federal Election join us to demand— the protection of our water resources. It’s time our Government stood up against big coal and risky gas projects. On Saturday 25th June, people from all across Australia will park their cars along our national highways and make a noise that cannot be ignored. Make some signs, pack a roadside picnic, gather your friends, snap some photos and use the hashtag: #Water4Life

From Bruce Highway Landsborough to Gympie – National Highway Action in Landsborough to Gympie, Darwin to Hobart, From Cairns to Perth Australia and everywhere in between, this election let’s make sure they know we want to protect our #Water4Life!

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