These are the 10 campaigns that have took 2014 by storm, according to the Guardian.

This Greenpeace campaign targeting the iconic Lego brand, with the Everything is NOT Awesome video, was the most viewed in Greenpeace’s history. The online campaign was supported by a child-led protest outside Shell’s HQ highlighting the emotional link between climate change and future generations.

Lego announced in October that it would not renew its 50-year partnership with Shell.

Oxfam is one of the few NGOs that seems able to balance the use of carrot and stick with major corporates, calling out bad performance while still celebrating the good. Its ‘Behind the Brands’ campaign encourages people to use its scorecard to tell the ‘Big 10’ food and beverage companies exactly what needs to change in their supply chains. In May, Oxfam started to highlight harmful food production practices that contribute to climate change. Kellogg and General Mills were identified as the worst offenders. After only a few months of Oxfam applying the stick, both companies announced strengthened climate commitments.

A parent-led campaign, which grew out of a discussion thread on parenting site Mumsnet, brought together mums and dads frustrated by the rise of gender-based promotion and marketing to children. After 14 retailers in the UK agreed to stop gendered marketing, the campaign was then extended to books, asking publishers and retailers to allow children to choose freely what kinds of books and stories interest them.

Re~Post of  10 Top Sustainability Campaigns of 2014 | The GuardianAustralian edition

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