IMG_3150The end-of-year AURG barbecue is being held on Sunday, 7th December, 2014 at 13 Holmes Avenue. We will commence setting up at 4pm, to be ready for festivities from 5pm.

To help us prepare, we ask that you let us know by Monday, 1st December 2014 whether you are coming. You can let us know by telephone on {mobile prefix oh four}58 752 680.

Soft drinks, bread, meat, sausages, vegetarian alternatives will be provided. The rest is BYO. We ask you to bring a plate – entree, salad or dessert. Please let us know what you intend to bring so we can avoid duplication.

Come if you are an AURG member, even if you have not been particularly active this year, or if you are interested in our activities.

There will also be a working bee in the morning to water some of our plantings. Volunteers should contact Angus Adair on {mobile prefix oh four}09 912 818

Looking forward to seeing you.