The first draft of ISO’s standard for sustainable communities has been released for comment.

ISO 37101 sets out the requirements, guidance and supporting techniques and tools for sustainable development in communities.

The standard provides a management system for sustainable community development by a local organisation. In this way the ISO is about the development processes and methods rather than the many attributes needing to be addressed for a community to be sustainable, such as energy, local-ownership, food or transport (for example).

To quote: “This international standard is intended to help Communities become more resilient, smart and sustainable, through programs, projects and activities, demonstrate their achievements and better communicate them.”

It is designed to enable communities to manage their sustainability, smartness and resilience, improve the contribution of communities to sustainable development and assess their performance in this area.

‘Community’ is defined as being a: “Group of people with shared interests, experiences and values, and with an arrangement of responsibilities, organization and relationships and identifiable objectives. Such a community may not be in the same locality.”

Further, the ISO “… establishes the requirements of a management system for sustainable development, smartness and resilience of communities, taking legal and other requirements and relevant information into consideration, in order to:

  • manage sustainability, smartness and resilience of communities, while taking into account the specificities of the territory those communities relate to
  • improve the contribution of communities to sustainable development, and
  • assess the performance of communities in sustainable development and their level of smartness and of resilience.”

The Committee Draft stage is the first consultation in the development (or revision) of an ISO standard, meaning ISO members that have chosen to participate in the development of the standard have until the 26th of August to comment on it. Final publication is set for 2016.

Find out this and much more in this video interview with Bernard Leservoisier, Secretary of the technical committee working on this standard.

Click here to purchase a copy of ISO 37101.